Codes, Loyalty & Rewards

LOYALTY (App Only)
Various times throughout the year we will offer LOYALTY REWARDS on purchases from our app. The amount is based on a % and is different each time. Loyalty Rewards are awarded as an account credit and are added to your account after you checkout. The amount is determined based on your subtotal (pre-tax) & excludes amounts paid with credits & gift cards. Some exclusions may apply.
Ex: 10% Loyalty Rewards for a $100 (subtotal) purchase. If you use a $10 account credit/gift card, you will receive an account credit for 10% of $90 after you checkout.
To view your account credit balance navigate to the "my account" section on the app.
CLUB PAISLEY REWARDS (Website Only) & CODES (App & Website)
Consuela, Brighton & Last One Final Sale items are always excluded from any and all discount codes & Club Paisley Rewards. Items priced less than $10 are also excluded from any discounts.